Twin-Path Slings

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DCL owns one of the longest Twin-Path machines capable of making Twin-Path slings up to 180 ft. long with a vertical capacity of 600,000 lbs. and higher. Twin-Path slings weigh 1/10th the weight of steel and are extremely durable. The manufacturing process allows tight tolerance lengths and matched sling lengths to be met.

The Check-Fast Inspection System acts as an external warning indicator that sticks out from the cover and if overloaded, retracts back into the cover and disappears.

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Twin Path® Slings

Twin-Path® synthetic roundslings have Check-Fast® Inspection overload indicators, Covermax® Covers for superior abrasion resistance, and inner red covers as an aid to inspection. Twin-Path® slings are used worldwide in place of steel rigging for heavy lifts. They are approximately 10% of the weight of a steel sling and are repairable. The Twin-Path® sling design, which has two individual paths of fiber working as one sling, gives the rigger confidence. These slings have less than 1% elongation at rated capacity. If productivity, safety, and precision are important, then Twin-Path® high-performance roundslings are your best choice. Independent testing shows that K-Spec® core yarn is the longest-lasting load-bearing core yarn in any sling.

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