Desktop and Testbench
TESSALink Desktop is a desktop software program used for item creation, certification testing, and inspections. Items can be tracked at the desktop using RFID chips or serial number entry.
TESSALink Desktop digitally stores detailed information including item attributes, test data, forms, pictures, material certs, repair information, etc. Thousands of item-configuration options are pre-populated and easily tailored by your organization for any item type or brand (including Crosby). Pre-fill templates and drop-down menus speed data entry.
TESSALink TestBench is utilized by assembly and testing shops to minimize redundant data entry, saving time and avoiding errors. TESSALink TestBench integrates directly with your current digital testing hardware (including Roberts, Chant, and others). It enables the creation of digital test certs, and imports item details entered in TESSALink Desktop (location, due date, load limit, description, length, size, etc.). The compiled record creates a complete digital certification that is stored online for future reference.